POP Online

Services Seta

Adapting to Change Training

Adapting to Change Training

Suitable for all employees

Course Duration: 2 days

NQF Level: 5

Course Objective:

This Adapting To Change Training – which we run in-house, publicly and online throughout South Africa – is designed to empower employees at all levels to pro-actively deal with change, both in their work and personal lives, and succeed in dynamic and high impact situations.

Adapting to Change Training

Course content and outcomes:

  • Living life in the comfort zone – why challenge yourself?
    • Understand that change is constant and inevitable
    • Develop a willingness to move from comfort zones, and face up to perceived discomforts in order not to stagnate
  • Understand why people instinctively resist change
  • Acquire skills to overcome instinctive resistance to change
  • Realize the importance of developing resilience – the key to thriving through change
  • Understand the processes of transition through change and be able to identify the signs of the various stages
  • Become aware of your dominant style of reaction to change and gain a willingness to adapt that style to embrace change
  • Understand good change management processes – in order to support the organisation in implementing and driving through change
  • Be willing and able to be open and provide constructive feedback throughout change processes
  • Assume personal accountability through change
  • Build the competencies of collaboration in the face of change
  • Keep a Personal Goals and Action Plan Journal
To enrol delegates on this Adapting To Change Training,
click on the link below

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