Disability Awareness Training
This Disability Awareness Training Course is offered throughout South Africa as
in-house, public and online training
in-house, public and online training
Disability Awareness Training
This Disability Awareness training is suitable for
personnel from all businesses and organisations
personnel from all businesses and organisations
Course Duration: 1 day
Course Objective:
This Disability Awareness Training Course will enable your managers and staff to understand the intricacies and business rationale of becoming a disability confident organisation.
Course content and outcomes:
Through this Disability Awareness Training Course, delegates will learn:
- Defining disability in the context of the workplace
- Definition of disability: Code of Good Practice: Disability
- Checking disability criteria: Examples
- The prevalence of disability: statistics and trends
- Code of Good Practice and Technical Assistance Guidelines
- Their purpose and inter-relationship with the EE Act
- An analysis of their content and role in guiding the process
- The business rationale for strategically recruiting persons with disabilities
- Removing the barriers and reasonable accommodation for people with disabilities
- Removing barriers and building in accommodation in the job profiling phase
- Removing barriers in the job advertising and interview phase
- Removing bias and prejudice in the assessment / skills testing phase
- Removing the barriers and reasonable accommodation for people with disabilities
- Hiring the right person for the job
- Probation / Conditional job offer
- Sensitizing the organisation prior to placement
- Training and career advancement for persons with disabilities
- Retention of persons with disabilities through further reasonable accommodation
- Health, safety and the working environment
- Building a disability-confident business and delivering change: 6 building blocks
- Building Block 1: Strategic benefits
- Building Block 2: Commercial benefits
- Building Block 3: Legal benefits
- Building Block 4: Societal benefits
- Building Block 5: Ethical benefits
- Building Block 6: Professional benefits
- Disability Etiquette
- Basic disability etiquette when interacting with any person who has a disability
- Specific disability etiquette
- People in wheelchairs or mobility devices or who have loss of limbs
- People who are blind
- People who are deaf or have a hearing loss
- People with speech disabilities
- People with other disabilities (e.g. cerebral palsey, multiple sclerosis, etc.)
- Confidentiality and disclosure of information
Click to view our Disability Training Courses on our training portal
Click to view our Skills Development Training for EE / Training Committees
To enrol delegates on this Disability Awareness Training,
click on the link below: