Instilling Workplace Discipline
and Handling Non-Dismissible Offenses
Our training programmes relating to
Instilling Workplace Discipline and Managing Poor Performance,
Handling Non-Dismissible Offenses, Initiating Disciplinary Hearings,
Chairing Disciplinary Hearings, and Managing All Disciplinary Processes,
are offered throughout South Africa.

Please click on the relevant course that meets your requirements
- Discipline in the workplace – Managing all Disciplinary Processes: a 3-day course
Note: This is our most popular course, covering all aspect of disciplinary processes in the workplace.
This course includes:- Managing Poor Performance, Managing Informal Discipline (Counsellings, Verbal Warnings, Written Warnings, Final Written Warnings), Initiating Disciplinary Hearings, and Chairing Disciplinary Hearings.
Instilling Workplace Discipline
and Handling Non-Dismissible Offenses

This Instilling Workplace Discipline,
and Handling Non-Dismissible Offenses Training Course
is offered throughout South Africa as
in-house, public and online training
Instilling Workplace Discipline
and Handling Non-Dismissible Offenses
Supervisors, Team Leaders, Managers
Course Duration: 1 day
Course Objective:
This Handling Workplace Discipline Training is designed to:
- Ensure that Managers & Supervisors are competent to issue counsellings, verbal warning, written warnings and final written warnings
- Ensure that indiscipline and poor performance are dealt with progressively, fairly and consistently.
Course content and outcomes:

Instilling discipline in the workplace
- An introduction to the disciplinary process and its purpose
- Fundamental premises that should apply to all disciplinary action
- Typical causes of disciplinary problems and poor work performance problems
- What are the main causes of indiscipline and poor performance in your workplace? What can you as supervisors do to remove these causes?
- 3 main causes of indiscipline and poor performance – how to correct them:
- Poor communication
- Unclear procedures, standards and rules
- Supervisor and Team Leader styles of leadership and control
- Understanding your company’s disciplinary code, and best practice procedures for performance and disciplinary meetings: counsellings, verbal warnings, written warnings, final written warnings
- How to carry out disciplinary and poor performance meetings, and issue the appropriate corrective processes and / or disciplinary warnings
- Role-play exercise on issuing a disciplinary warning for time-keeping
- Role-play exercise on issuing a counselling for poor performance
- Role-play exercise on issuing a written warning for poor performance
- Drafting a Performance Improvement Plan
- Setting up a date and time for review and follow up
To enrol delegates on our
Instilling Workplace Discipline and Handling Non-Dismissible Offenses,
click on the link below: