Shop Steward Training
Our Shop Steward Training Courses are offered throughout South Africa
in-house, public and online training
in-house, public and online training

Please click on the relevant course that meets your requirements
Shop Steward Generic Training
– a 5-day programme –
This 5-day Shop Steward Generic Training Programme
is offered throughout South Africa as
in-house, public and online training
is offered throughout South Africa as
in-house, public and online training

Shop Steward Generic Training
– a customisable 5-day course –
Suitable for Shop Stewards
Course Duration: 5 days
Course Objective:
This Shop Steward Training – which we offer throughout South Africa – ensures that Shop Stewards acquire the critical competencies to work between the workforce and management in monitoring fair treatment, and helping to build sound working relations for all parties.
This programme is aligned to the following 2 Unit Standards:
Unit Standard 114226: Interpret and manage conflicts within the workplace
Unit Standards 252031: Apply the principles and concepts of emotional intelligence to the management of self and others
Course content and outcomes:
Through this Shop Steward Training Course, delegates will learn:
Day 1
The Roles and Responsibilities of Shop Stewards
Day 2
Basic Labour Law – Key principles of the LRA
Day 3
Discipline and Grievances
Day 4
Emotional Intelligence
Day 5
Conflict Management and Conflict Resolution

- The rights and responsibilities of Shop Stewards as set out by the LRA
- The duty to represent the Union’s interests and directives
- The responsibility to guide and represent Union members
- The responsibility of leadership, and being a bridge between management and employees
- Representing workers in grievances and disciplinary enquiries
- The duty of ensuring adherence to the law, and building good labour relations
- How a business comes to exist and grow
- The 4 key stakeholders of a business
- The importance of making a profit
- Income, Profit and expenses
- The 4 key stakeholders of a business
- How to satisfy all 4 stakeholders who are all interested in making money
- What causes business to shrink, fail, and close
- Understanding company financials
- The income statement
- The balance sheet
- Cashflow – Budgeting and managing cashflow
- The parties to the labour relationship, and their respective roles
- Defining the employee – employer relationship
- The Labour Relations Act: Collective and Individual labour law provisions
- The Labour Relations Act: Individual Labour Law provisions
- Disputes of right and disputes of interest
- When to consult and when to negotiate
- Employee contracts and fair grounds / procedure for terminationp
- Understanding the latest amendments to the LRA
- The regulatory aspects and dispute resolution mechanisms of the LRA
- Understand collective bargaining in industrial relations including:
- Getting to “Yes”
- Positional bargaining, Distributive bargaining, Integrative bargaining, Transformational bargaining
- Dispute resolution, mediation and strikes
- Schedule 8 of the LRA: The Code of Good Practice Dismissals
- Fundamental premises that should apply to all disciplinary action
- Typical causes of disciplinary problems in a workplace
- The classification of transgressions relating to unacceptable conduct
- Preparing to represent an employee in a disciplinary enquiry, collecting evidence, preparing witnesses
- Opening statements, closing arguments, presenting the evidence , cross-examining witnesses and redirecting
- Procedural and substantive fairness
- Grievances and grievance hearings – key principles and best practices
- Preparing to represent an employee in a disciplinary enquiry, collecting evidence, preparing witnesses
- Opening statements, closing arguments, presenting the evidence, cross-examining witnesses and redirecting
- Procedural and substantive fairness
- The merits of a case
- How the presiding officer considers the matter:
- the merits and evidence of the case, and the credibility and reliability of the facts and witnesses
- Mitigating and aggravating circumstances, and the right to appeal
- The BCEA and what it says about leave
- The causes of absenteeism: Sick leave, ill health, family responsibility, AWOL
- What the “Code of Good Practice: Dismissal” says about managing absenteeism
- Absenteeism that is linked to incapacity and authentic sick certificates
- Absenteeism that is linked to misconduct
- Absenteeism that is linked to desertion
- What is emotional intelligence, and why is it so important for shop stewards and leaders in the workplace?
- Understanding the major theory and underlying principles of emotional intelligence
- The functions of emotions – and the potential damage of its aftershocks: moods
- Developing your emotional intelligence across all 5 dimensions of emotional intelligence
- Enhancing your self-awareness dimension
- Behavioural styles / temperaments analysis:
- Understanding your dominant behaviour style and those of others
- Acquiring competencies to adapt your style when interacting with other styles
- Behavioural styles / temperaments analysis:
- Enhancing your self-regulation dimension
- Assertiveness, aggression and submissiveness
- Time management, planning, organising and goal setting
- Enhancing your motivation dimension
- Building a positive attitude
- Failure and success cycles
- Enhancing your social awareness dimension
- Effective communication – principles and skills
- Active listening and empathy
- Building rapport
- Showing compassion
- Enhancing your social skills dimension
- Building trust and earning respect
- Ensuring you don’t come across as threatening
- Enhancing your self-awareness dimension
- The nature of conflict: Internal vs external conflict
- Types of conflict: Inter-personal: Intra-personal; Inter-group; Intra-group
- Constructive vs destructive conflict
- The main causes of individual conflict & how to manage it effectively
- The main causes of conflict within companies & how to manage them
- Understanding the main conflict styles
- Understanding what your natural conflict style is
- Developing the ability to choose the best conflict style to fit the situation
- Leadership styles – how they are affected by conflict styles
- The attributes needed to become an effective “conflict manager”
- Legislated procedures for the resolution of workplace disputes
To enrol delegates on this Shop Steward Training,
click on the link below
click on the link below